Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hudson Terrace Wine Tasting
Wine seems to be moving up with Americans as the drink of choice and I couldn't be happier. I am not a self professed wine snob but I do consider myself a oenophile. I wasn't always a wine drinker, but for my degree I am required to take at least one wine class. The intro wine class is what started my love affair with wine. For those who don't drink wine I must tell you that wine has its own culture, something that I find so intriguing. There is a proper way to drink which includes a specific glass, and if your a snob a certain way of holding your glass. Wine requires all your senses to truly enjoy. I loved wine so much that I took the advance glass as well, and no I cannot name every wine region off the top of my head or the grape varieties but I just enjoyed the experience. On to Hudson I finished my last wine class in the spring of this year but in an effort to keep up with wine culture I wanted to begin attending tastings. I didn't want to go to the tasting I saw on TV that looked like a room full of old snobby people sipping and spitting, but something more relaxed and fun. The answer to my problem came in the form of an email in May from The email was advertising $12 tickets for an informal tasting at Hudson Terrace, and from the details of the email and the reviews online it seemed like a hip, young, and trendy place to "get your wine on". I bought three tickets so that I could take my sister and a friend with me. So your probably saying "you bought these tiks since June..why are you now writing about it????" Well...this summer just seemed to fly by and I couldn't get to Hudson Terrace until just before the tickets expired. A few weeks ago my sister, my friend Simone, and myself made our way out to the wine tasting. The first thing I want to say is that you must go if you have a chance this place is beautiful. Hudson Terrace is a rooftop bar located on West 46th Street and Westside Highway. When I arrived there was no line so I walked right in and was greeted by the staff. There is a list with all reservations where your name has to be checked off to go into the wine tasting. After we checked in the girls and I made our way upstairs. Thankfully we were on the early side so I was able to fully scope the place before the crowd rolled in. I love the decor that makes it look like a rooftop getaway and the fact there is a separate bars for wine and for other beverages. Every wine tasting features six wines and you can choose what you want to drink so you are definitely not obligated to drink in a certain order or even drink every wine. The bartenders also give you a significant amount of wine to drink (no skimping here!) and best of all no spitting buckets! The music added to the great summer afternoon ambiance, the DJ played popular American dance music and the volume wasn't overbearing so that you couldn't talk to people. My only gripe is that there needs to be more unreserved seating. Most booths were reserved for people buying bottles that start at upwards of $300, and the remaining booths were taken early so most people had to have your eagle eye out for a place to sit. Other than the seating issue my company and I had a great time at the wine tasting and would love to attend another one. If you are in NY it would be a great after work event to check out and and other discount sites usually have half price deals on tickets.
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